can you install windows xp macbook pro 2011

can you install windows xp macbook pro 2011
Windows 7 install on late 2011 MacBook Pro without bootcamp.
Noobie guide to installings windows xp on my MacBook pro [Archive.
Noobie guide to installings windows xp on my MacBook pro.
I want to install windows xp on my macbook pro.. Can you not run windows in parrallels and do what you want from there while connecting.
Mar 18, 2006. Finally I've succeeded in installing Windows XP in MacBook Pro. Now it can dual boot between Windows XP and MacOS X. There're few issues with windows xp but being able to boot. If you want to install it for your self or want more information this wiki is the best place to go.. September 15th, 2011.
May 9, 2011. Can you put windows on a new macbook pro. 381 Views 6 Replies Latest reply: May 11, 2011 5:30 AM by gwforeman RSS · trevorfromperth.
Note: To learn how to obtain and build the Apple Boot Camp Drivers installation media needed to install Windows for Apple hardware, see this article. To format.
Nov 13, 2012. 2) Run Boot Camp and make your Windows Partition the size you want. this on my 2011 Mac Mini (where I currently use Windows XP in Parallels).. my 2009 MacBook Pro, which had Windows XP installed into Bootcamp.
which macbook pro do you have? if its a 2010 model or below, you can natively run windows xp using boot camp. if you have a 2011 model.
can you install windows xp macbook pro 2011
MacBook Pro running Parralell Desktop 7/Window 7 - Macbook Pro.
(Incomplete) Guide for running Windows XP on 2010 MacBook Air Windows, Linux & Others on the Mac.. Some people considered the Boot Camp drivers for 13" MBP 2010 could work as ... I'll try to get XP on my 2011 MBP.
black screen with audio, macbook pro running bootcamp windows XP.
How can I dual boot Windows XP SP2 and OSX Lion on a Macbook.
Boot Camp: Some computers require Microsoft Windows 7.